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Римский 2.12.2014 20:06:18
Nanobat has no competitors in his own class. Nanobat has simple and reliable construction, no complicated electronics, microchips and fans, which can fail at any time. In Nanobat heaters there is nothing what can fail or overheat. At the same time there are diagrams of Nanobat connection with the automation system of the necessary temperature support in the room. Thermostat can be installed in the electrical network on a group of Nanobat heaters that allows you to adjust the room temperatur ... ...
Римский 2.12.2014 20:04:09
Nanobat system with minimal capital and exploitation costs will provide a person comfortable environment. Already today we are able to install heating system based on Nanobat in the future projects of houses, offices, industrial buildings. •Having sizes - 400h380h55 mm, heaters do not clutter up the walls. Light weight – is not more than 3.5 kg allows them to install them to the wood, plywood, plastic and plasterboard. •Small unit power – is only 190 watts, does not create overheat zon ... ...
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